What is Wandering Aimfully?

Essentially, it’s a monthly group coaching program run by a husband and wife team - Jason and Caroline. It comes with soooo much more as well (like lifetime access to Teachery) - all for the one time cost of $2800 (generous payment plans are available). So you pay once and never pay again and you continue to get access to all their future projects and products without further cost.


What if I’m not ready to sell courses on my own platform?

I use Teachery for so many things beyond just selling courses. I’ve used it to create:

  • an Etsy customer hub

  • a vault of all my planners

  • a hub for hosting workshop replays

  • a marketplace for all my affiliate links

  • a home for hosting links to Canva templates

  • a hub with all the information for my affiliates in one place

  • a help desk for my business

I’ll be adding videos to this website of every single way that I have used Teachery to work for me in my business.

You don’t have to wait till you’re making courses in order to start creating intellectual property with Teachery. Teachery is essentially a flexible container for holding information that you make available for people to buy.

Also, I value creating just to create. I recommend starting there. I’m like a kid in a playground. When I have an idea for something I want to make, I make it! By doing this, I end up with so many puzzle pieces that I can use in a million different ways in my business.

Don’t worry about whether you can make something sell right away. Start planting the seeds of intellectual property and watch your body of work start to grow.

The reason I sell so much is because the process of MAKING things to sell expands ME in such a way that I get soooo many ideas for how to promote my stuff and I’m able to attract customers because my energy is OPEN and abundant. Honor your creativity. Teach what you know. Do it for your personal growth. When YOU grow, everything else will grow.


Can I have unlimited number of courses and students with Teachery?



Does Teachery let me have upsells on my check out pages?



Does Teachery provide video hosting?

You can embed videos into Teachery that are hosted on 3rd party platforms such as UseLoom, Vimeo, Youtube, Wistia, etc.

Vimeo is the platform that I use and they have a free plan that you can use forever if it fits your needs. If the free plan isn’t an option, their lowest plan is $84/year.


Can I accept payments from customers through Teachery?

Yes! Teachery’s check out pages work with Stripe. However, Teachery’s check out pages don’t support PayPal.

Personally, I’ve used Teachery’s check out pages in the beginning of selling my courses and reached $100K in revenue even without offering PayPal as an option.

Today, I use Thrivecart for my check out pages and you can use any 3rd party check out page platform you prefer as well.

After people check out via Thrivecart, they land on a success page in Thrivecart where I give them the link to access their course in Teachery.

What is Teachery?

Teachery is an online course platform that you can get access to for $49/mo here OR you can get it included for life inside of Wandering Aimfully.

My favorite things about Teachery are:

  • I can customize the heck out of it and make courses and hubs that really feel aligned with me and my branding.

  • I don’t have to keep paying to use it. I’ve paid off Wandering Aimfully years ago and have been using Teachery for free ever since.

  • After using Teachery for 5 years and selling over a million dollars worth of courses with it, I still am more in love with it than ever. The possibilities continue to be endless in terms of what I can create for my customers with Teachery.


Does Teachery also come with landing/sales pages, check out pages, and the ability to have affiliates?

Yes! When I started using Teachery, I used it for all those things. However, after I reached $100k in revenue on Teachery, I expanded my tech stack beyond Teachery because my needs became more complex with the growth of my business.

For example, I started using Squarespace for my sales pages and Thrivecart for my checkout pages and affiliate program.


As you grow your business, you may find yourself needing more robust tools and software that specializes in specific features.

The creators of Teachery stay focused on making sure it’s AMAZING as online course platform. This means they are not simultaneously trying to make it also handle email marketing, website hosting, gamification, etc.

There are platforms out there that claim to do all the things, but it’s impossible for one platform to support every single area of your business exceptionally well and in my opinion, it’s not wise to put all of your businesses intellectual property, assets, and data in one single place.

Also, your business is as unique as YOU are, so the combination of tools that you can really vibe with is going to be unique as well.

This is why you’ll see many online entrepreneurs develop their own “tech stack” of software and tools that uniquely support their businesses as they grow.

So, as I’ve grown my business, I’ve figured out the “tech stack” that works best for me. You can find it here if you’re interested.


What if I’m not good at design? Would I still be able to make the most of Teachery?

Is having a beautifully designed course important to you? You can still create courses in Teachery that don’t have to “look fancy” at all.

The cool thing about Teachery is that if you DO want to make a beautiful course, then you have the room to do that when you’re ready.

I’m always tweaking and improving the design of my courses over time because I feel more excited to sell and share them when I know they look and feel freaking awesome.

There are templates I use again and again to make it easy to create beautiful courses and hubs and you get access to all of them when you purchase Wandering Aimfully through my affiliate link. :)